I hope everyone had a great Christmas. It was eventful here. The kids went crazy over their presents.
Cory is re-enlisting tomorrow for another six years into the Navy!! I am going to go to the ceremony. I got to have some pictures :-)
I have been scrapbooking SO MUCH, I now have pain in my back/shoulder area on the right. I think it is from the way I sit when I scrapbook. I have had an Icy/Hot patch on it all day. Last night it hurt so bad but I still wanted to scrapbook so my hubby was nice enough to rub my back for about half an hour, it felt so much better afterwards. My first Scrapbooking injury!!
Here is a page I created for Scrappin with Grace.

Right now I am working on my entries for Create My Keepsake design team call. If you have not checked them out you should...there is a great group of women over there.
Now here is a question for all of you...New Years I am going to a scrapbook store about an hour away to buy a new Quickutz font, it is my Christmas present but I wanted to wait until the store had a sale.
Out of these which would you choose? If you have them which do you find yourself reaching for more?
Calvin...my original first choice
Olivia or
Thanks :-)